What is moisture?
Moisture is climate that contains vapor. The relative moisture affects worst to human health. The damp weather and a drizzling rain will make a much serious climate.
It is easy to infect with the following deseases: rubeola, flu, whooping-cough pertussis, white blood cell, mumps, meningitis, tosillitis,...,..
For preventing deseases, we should had better keep your body warmly, maintain regime...
Besides we should choose materials (gypsum) which they can resist moisture and mold before building a house |
Picture:GH water resistant gypsum board
Source: Health & Life Magazine
Water and moisture
The w ater and moisture are the main reasons to make the structure of building broken.
There been methods to resist moisture but it is not effective in general. That is to say moisture still go in to wall, partition and the others destroying structure as the no longer water proof membrane.
After t he water penetrating in to wall and partition it will appears the surface of wall and partition rub off. and make condition for the growth of mold
How to water proof for buildings:
As we known, materials have capillary with micromete20 - 40 diameter and water can penetrate so it is the best to choose materials that they can terminate or narrow these capillaries. We should had better use water resistant materials in installing wall and partition in the buildings such as GH gypsum board.
Source: E-I page - Construction Ministry